"Don't blame anyone, never complain of anyone or anything. Because basically you have made of your life what you wanted. Accept the difficulties of edifying yourself and the worth of starting to correct your character.
The triumph of the true man arises from the ashes of his mistakes.
Never complain of your loneliness or your luck. Face it with courage and accept it. Somehow, they are the result of your acts and it shows that you'll always win. Don't feel frustrated of your own failures, neither unload them to someone else.
Accept yourself now or you'll go on justifying yourself like a child.
Remember that any time is good to start and that no time is so good to give up. Don't forget that the cause of your present is your past, as the cause of your future will be your present.
Learn from the brave, from the strong, from who doesn't accept situations, from who will live in spite of everything. Think less of your problems and more of your work. Learn to arise from your pain, and to be greater than the greatest of your obstacles. Look at the mirror of yourself and you'll be free and strong and you'll stop being a puppet of circumstances. For you yourself are your destiny. Wake up and stare at the sun in the mornings and breathe the sun of dawn. You're part of the strength of your life now, Rise up, fight, walk, be sure and you'll win in life. Don't ever think of 'fate' For fate is the excuse of failures."
Pablo Neruda
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