(Story from a collegue from Guadalajara, Jalisco, México)
The king received as a gift two small falcons, and he gave them to the master of falconry so that he could train them. Some months went by, the master informed the king that one of the falcons was perfectly well, but that the other, he didn't know what was wrong with it: it hadn't moved from the branch where he had left it since the day that it arrived. The king asked to see the shamans and the healers so that they could come see the falcon, but nobody could make the bird fly. He asked then, for the sages in his court, but nothing happened. The following day, looking out the window, he could observe that the bird still remained motionless. He therefore decided to let the town know that he would grant a reward to the one who would make the falcon fly. The next day, he saw the falcon flying swiftly in the gardens. He asked his court, "Bring me the author o f this miracle." Without a moments hesitation they introduced to him a peasant.
- Are you the one who made the falcon fly? How did you do it? Are you a magician?
- It was easy my king. I just cut the branch and it flew. It found out that it had wings and he began flying.
What are you hanging on to that is stopping you from flying? What can you not let go of? We live within a comfort where we move and we believe that it is the only thing that exists. Within this zone is everything that we know and everything that we believe. We get along with our values, our fears and our limitations. Our past and our history lies in this zone. Everything that we know, routine and easy... We have dreams, we want results, we seek opportunities, but we are not always ready to run risks. We are not always willing to go through difficult paths.
Stop holding on to your own branch and run the risk of flying higher and maybe in your life like in mine, Spirit has given us wings to fly high, as high as the eagles and discover that its thoughts -as its ways- are higher than ours. Dare to fly...!
Psic. Manuel Contreras Hernández General Director Transgeneracional Institute of Psicotherapy Tel. 33 42 68 26 manuelc1@cybercable.net.mx
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